THINGS i used to do


Assuredly this statement is not what you expected from a CV/ RESUME attachment, but it would seem that anything with Anti-Racism as its guiding principle, must be deeply invested in an unconventional approach.  With that said, allow me to introduce DAVE FOWLER.  Collectively known as THE DAVES, I submit this corporate clad-white-male-heteronormative figure as a visual conduit for the XXXXXXXX position at XXXXXX.  While I am a BLACK FEMME embodied person, I believe that tasking a mainstream patriarchal body with the responsibilities of Anti-Racism, even metaphorically, is a necessary camouflage for the work that must be done. At least if we are to influence behavior.  Or disrupt imposed hierarchies. Or distribute resources more equitably. Or impart the nuance of multiple perspectives. Or enable practices of working under leadership that is pronounced ‘Other’.

I have traveled widely, via the directives of my own creative practice, and I am reliably interrogated about Racism.  From ORLANDO to WASHINGTON, D.C., MONTEVIDEO to OMAHA, SHEBOYGAN to NEW HAVEN, SAN DIEGO to ST. OLAF,  I am asked to explain my take on this particular American export.  The clink of cocktail conversation becomes a stand-in for the multitude of research required to operate from the margins. I am not allowed to simply exist in the cocoon of an Art Studio.  I assume the privilege of a polymath: WRITING, MAKING, RELATING, PERFORMING, EDUCATING, LEARNING - to resist the pull of tokenism.  My approach is necessarily MULTIPRONGED.  

So imagine THE DAVES, lilliputians wrangling the GIANT suggested by the title of your DAILY, offering interference to make room for novel strategies. Consider Black Femme Leadership as a covert operation that is committed to confronting our collective racist conditioning on a vernacular level. Links are embedded throughout this correspondence and my contact information is below.

I think we should have a conversation.  

I think we should be allowed to misunderstand one another. 

I think we should pursue resolutions passionately.  

I think we should work together.  


Kenya (Robinson)