POT calling kettle

Pot Calling Kettle: An Evening of High Cuisine

In an effort to address the racial disparities in incarceration rates related to “cannabis crimes”, I propose a coursed dinner prepared by renowned cannabis chef, Andrea Drummer.  In addition to her award-winning fare, each guest will receive print” in the form of a dinner plate featuring a unique design based on two primary texts: Planning and Design Guide for Secure Adult and Juvenile Facilities and Correctional Facility Design and Detailing. The event will be audio recorded as both documentation and live interactive material.

I have been researching mass incarceration since I was an undergraduate, having been introduced to At Freedom's Edge: Black Mobility and the Southern White Quest for Racial Control, 1861–1915 (1991) by William Cohen.  Pot Calling Kettle is a performative investigation that is most concerned with our particular contemporary moment: the transition from “criminalized” to “legalized”.  So I wonder, what are the ethical questions of cannabis users, now that sourcing is so rapidly gentrifying? What do we owe the people who have been caught in the wake of the “Green Rush”?  Perhaps we can discuss this over dinner…

Kenya (Robinson)